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Hi I'm Ethan

I'm Ethan Dorer, a Film Studies and English major. While I express myself primarily through my work with film I do enjoy photography and drawing as well. I've found that certain subjects lend them selves better to being captured by moving rather than still images and vice-versa. I love the ability of film to shape the reality around me whether that be through editing or the composition of my shots. Many of my films emphasize the beautiful details in ordinary objects. I enjoy being in nature and much of my work features either natural subjects or their interaction with man-made structures.

As McLuhan said "The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act--the way we perceive the world". The film camera extends the reach of the eyes, ears, and the mind due to its ability to capture moments in time. This in conjunction with the information sharing capability of the internet give us an almost unlimited ability to perceive our world. As a filmmaker I would like to use this to share my view of the world to the world.

While the majority of my work currently falls into the category of poetic documentary, I would like to create work that is narrative. As both an English and Film major I would like to combine my two interests to make films that tell stories. Over the summer I filmed a short film with some friends and I am currently in the process of editing it. 


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